Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Petrol Up to RM 0.30

The price of petrol and diesel is up by 30 sen a litre effective today, the highest increase in the past two years. However, the Prime Minister's Department, in a statement, said that this would be the only increase for the year (Berita Harian, 28 Feb, 2006)

Fuel price increase again! Ya Allah..in fact, the increment for this year is the highest increment compared to the previous year! RM0.30! boleh beli gula² 2 ketul and belik kuih karipap sebijik. This time all consumers must bear in mind where all raw materials such as cooking oil, vegetables, fishes, meats etc also will increase the price. Roti canai kat kedai mamak pun naik harga la! Silap haribulan boleh capai RM1.00 sekeping! but our salary tak naik² pun..

our human resource ministry should revise our salary regardless public or private sector.



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