Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Je Crois En Toi

Pada sesetengah kawan² saya, mereka sudah lali mendengar gurindam jiwa saya termasuk juga pada seseorang yang punya kedudukan 'tertinggi' dalam hidup saya. Agaknya penat mulut mahu menenangkan hati saya..nah, diberikan saya sesuatu buat santapan jiwa.

The path you have chosen
A restless road
No turning back
One day you
Will find your light again
Don't you know
Don't let go
Be strong

Tout seul
Tu t'en iras tout seul
Coeur ouvert
À L'univers
Poursuis ta quête
Sans regarder derrière
N'attends pas
Que le jour
Se lève

Suis ton étoile
Va jusqu'où ton rêve t'emporte
Un jour tu le toucheras
Si tu crois si tu crois si tu crois
En toi
Suis la lumière
N'éteins pas la flamme que tu portes
Au fonds de toi souviens-toi
Que je crois que je crois que je crois
En toi

Someday I'll find you
Someday you'll find me too
And when I hold you close
I'll know that is true

Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe in you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself, an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe in you

Thank you so much for giving me this song, tapi kan nak bagitau, yang part bahasa perancis tu, sepatah pun tak faham!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Kulliyyah Information & Communication Technology

That was year 2000-2003, i've learnt so many thing in this place. i learnt programming, networking and so on. i found many wonderful teachers here.

Now, in 2006, i pray to Allah that one day i will be accepted to come back to this place to help my younger generation to learn the same thing as what i have learnt before together with the Islamic teaching as per requested in Islamic Concept of Education.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Prison Break Season 2

Check this out! Prison Break Season 2 will be aired on 21st August 2006!

p/s: Ayu, apa lagi..start downloading the new season bebeh!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Let Me Out From Here!

Ya Allah, please let me out from this place! I cant work with this environment, and these people!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Our Next Generation

How happy she is...

What about this one...

semuanya angkara perang yang sama sekali memusnahkan generasi akan datang..ayuh! bangunlah semua Ummat Islam..jangan biarkan kaum 'itu' menghapuskan generasi kita.ingatlah akan pengorbanan Rasullullah S.A.W dalam menyebarkan agama-Nya. marilah sama² sujud ke hadrat-Nya memohon agar seluruh Ummat Islam di muka bumi ini bersatu dan MUSUH ISLAM DITIMPA BENCANA yang AMAT DASYAT!

layari:israel atrocities

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Young Soldier

It is not death
Without hereafter
To one in dearth
Of life and its laughter,

Nor the sweet murder
Dealt slow and even
Unto the martyr
Smiling at heaven:

It is the smile
Faint as a (waning) myth,
Faint, and exceeding small
On a boy's murdered mouth

- Wilfred Owen -

marilah kita sama² berdoa untuk kemenangan ummat Islam. Mohon dibaca surah Al-Fatihah, Al-Fiil secara berterusan. saudara² kita di sana perlukan pembelaan!

layari : israel atrocities